Ward: Fareham North-West
Super Output Area: Fareham 003E
Defining a sustainable community is not easy, as it encompasses as many aspects of sustainable development as possible, so the definitions could just keep on being written. Sustainable Communities in the East Midlands: Building for the Future’ (ODPM, 2003) state:
‘These communities should:
• Be economically prosperous;
• Have decent homes at a price people can afford;
• Safeguard the countryside;
• Enjoy a well-designed, accessible and pleasant living and working environment; and
• Be effectively and fairly governed with a strong sense of community.’
My home area is not a sustainable community, based on my own experience related to the ODPM, 2003. Firstly houses are not at an affordable price, there is little economical prosperous, the country side is being built upon and there is no sense of community.
The area I grew up, used to see all the children of the street playing together outside, and now, the younger children in the street aren’t even seen playing in their back gardens let alone together. Recently, a middle-aged neighbour died, this was a big shock, and upset many of us as she was a lovely woman. But, we all pulled together for the funeral, and that was it, I fear in a few years time, if someone dies it will just be like gossip.
House prices have just risen beyond belief. This is good, in the sense that my parents could get over double what they paid for the property, but they would not be able to afford somewhere just as big and with a big garden!
As much as I would like to see Fareham as a sustainable community, I doubt this will ever become realistic. Although my ward, is more likely to achieve being a sustainable community, as the area includes a couple of small villages.
Fareham North-West according statistical data, have affordable homes £165,314 (mean), but the reality of finding a nice house, in a good location with 3/4 bedrooms, you would be looking at £225,000 from experience when my parents considered moving. (see a.)
It is incredibly difficult to measure communities, community spirit. Therefore, there is no data relating to whether Fareham North-West is not a sustainable community, as on the website (see b.) , there were no indicators that determined the economic status etc as no figures were supplied.
Whereas Fareham 003E seeks well to be economically prosperous, as there is high employment levels in the super output area. This would indicate that the community could be more prosperous one, as employment has the possibility of expanding further. (see c.)
But Fareham003E is worse than my current residence in Northampton. (see d.)
This air quality is actually slightly worse than my current air quality whilst living in a hall which is, 1.09, rather than 1.25. (see e.)
I would hope that with development both the ward and super output area could become more sustainable, but this may take years, especially due to the economic recession currently.
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